Case Studies & Work


In this section, view some of the solutions our tacticians have created here and in the past. From customer alignment and cost saving creations to unique options for unique times.

Websites: The Essential Element

At the cornerstone of almost any marketing program today is the website, it is your virtual place of business, an essential tool for customer and client acquistion and it is also, often the area that needs assistance. Too big, too small, to expensive, too technical, not technical enough...this is the area, in our experience, that most needs attention. The presentation outlines why this area of marketing is essential in this day and age. ...[Read More]
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Belize RFP Play Again

Ahead of our time, The SMART Co. focused on the customer experience in the destination campaign RFP for the Belize Tourist Board, "Play Again." Even more relevant today, the campaign was resubmitted to the Ministry of Tourism 2022. ...[Read More]
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SATCO Products Inc. Messaging and Visual Communication

Finding the voice and guidance for a 50 year old legacy lighting company with long standing employees was no easy feat. Stakes are high as hearts and souls are sunk into places where people have spent so much of their lives....and then there is, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it,'. But we captured it - their voice. We listened and we caught it. "We do the Light thing. We do the Right thing." View our presentation here. ...[Read More]
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THE SMART Co, New York