Ecommerce Marketing

Rich Ecommerce Strategies Begins with Rich Data Assets


More than half of all retail sales start online. Even if you are a brick and mortar shop. Customers research their purchases, shop and cost compare prior to the buy.

It is a D2C  (digital to consumer) world.

97% of all B2B (business to business) Fortune 500 companies are online. 

Even if you sell through a 3rd party or e-commerce vendor, the expectation is provision of digital assets through API asset integration.

Staying competitive in the new era of on-line commerce is a changing game and companies and corporations adapt to the AI world, and while automation may be essential to scale, adding the human back into the user experience will be what differentiates products.

The ultimate goal is to drive customers your way and keep them coming back

According to AdWeek 81% of shoppers conduct online research prior to purchase.

Driving customers towards your website, keeping them engaged and returning, is the name of the game. On your site, there is no competition. 

Brand loyalty, content marketing and customer experience are all part of the strategies designed to strengthen that goal-objective.

Selling B2B through e-comm and supplier partners

Driving customers to your product description page (PDP) and holding the audience's attention often means content creation in the form of modular, sharable data that your selling partners can utilize in their various individual channels.

Providing content to your suppliers and partners increases your partnership value in a number of ways:

  • Enhances your partner's search engine rank
  • Facilitates your partner's content marketing efforts
  • Increases views of your PDP page
  • Increases the value of your products with the partner, particularly if supported by ancillary efforts that provide a new gateway towards their business
  • Strengthens sales opprotunity,  increasing the value of your business

As a bonus, content that is shared with your partners can offer reciprocate value in the form of brand equity as well as 'hard values' including backlinks and other SEO attributes.

How SMART enhances your data offering

SMART makes certain your PDP has the rich, valuable assets needed to optimize products within the big commerce sites. Just like Internet search engines, e-comm sites rate your product pages based on their own algorithms.

Creating the strongest value in that partnership means:

  • Creating and delivering assets specific to the supply partners need
  • Providing more assets and value than the best-in-category
  • Utilizing current best-in-practice communications models in design
  • Offering a superior user experience in data asset retrieval

SMART e-comm strategies include modular rich data design

Designing strategies for rich data assets, brand pages and e-commerce partners, SMART can help set up your products for success across your supply chain.

  • Maximize revenue potential
  • Create stronger awareness
  • Expand SEO of products and brand
  • Increase perceived value in E-comm and Supplier partner relationships
THE SMART Co, New York